Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Another day

So my roommate showed yesterday after three weeks in Flagstaff Az. Nice to have someone else in the house. A day off I have a day off! I am so happy I have been working 7 days straight! 9pm to 6 am way to many days in a row!
So to celebrate I am casting on for the Knucks KAL if anyone wants to join! I went and got 2 balls of wool ease to try since I don't have any rowan yarn. I think I'm going to use MANS RUIN on my gloves and a friend has already put in a request for HARM NONE, so it looks like I'm doing at least 2 pair! We are having a contest in the KAl to see who knits the most pairs - i know it won't be me but still can't wait to see all the posts!
In other news i started the second of a pair of leg warmers. I got a great deal on yarn today - fur novelty yarn for 75cents a skein! I only bought $6 worth I restrained myself!
Well off to cast on!

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