Wednesday, July 19, 2006

2 AM and odd thoughts

So I just got home from work about 15 minutes ago and plan on going out again in about another 15 - repo guy is coming to pick me up. Work was fine - same ol' same ol'. I did get hit on by a 20 year old, very much a mood pick me up even if it did make me feel some what old. All I could think was Baby you can't even buy me a drink, let alone have a conversation with me. Still - nice to know 20 years olds think I'm HOT! I am having alot of fun with Kevin (repo guy), nice to hang out with a guy with a sense of humor, that can laugh even when things are rocky. I'm tired of guys who are so serious, everything has to be just so, don't hurt their feelings.UGGGG. I just want a fun guy to hang out with, that thinks I'm HOT, and fun to be with. Kevin showed up yesterday at work and kept whistling at me as I was working - was cute and funny - I realized I had never realy had a guy whistle at me before. So in honor of this new fun guy I'm going to do something I think is very not fun - I'm going back to the gym - want to keep him whistling at me! Although he says I'm toohard on myself that I look the way a woman should - now who wants to argue with that?
I'm off - time to go!

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